!!! Wir brauchen eine Verschnaufpause vom 20.12 - 3.01.2025. Ab dem 4. Januar werden die Bestellungen dann wieder bearbeitet !!! Ab dem 10. Januar gibt es dann auch wieder unsere bekannt feinen, frischen Springerle zu bestellen 😃


Item number: SPR050

3,90 €  Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Not only children love St. Nicholas Day

On December 6, we celebrate St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas Day is a Christian day of remembrance and is one of the most popular celebrations of the year. Children love the custom of cleaning their boots on the eve of December 6 and putting them outside the door in the hope that St. Nicholas will put a small gift or treat or two inside during the night.

  • Weight: approx. 40 g
  • Quantity: 1 piece

 Ingredients: Eggs, powdered sugar, spelt flour and aniseed